Monday, March 22, 2010

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes!

So what's the point of running if you don't have a good pair of sneakers to do it in? That's a question I've been asking myself for the last few days as I search for the perfect pair of running shoes. I'm flat footed, so it's hard for me to find a sneakers that meet my picky requirements. I desire a shoe that is light on the foot but has great support and somehow still manages to be pleasing on the eye all the same time. I'd like to think that all running shoes meet this standard, but alas my search has proven me wrong. Last Thursday I discovered just how hard this was as I found myself starring at a wall of shoes in runner's paradise that can be found at Whirlaway Sports. I was there for a good hour mulling over a few pairs. I was annoyed that shoes with good support seem to weigh a tremendous amount more. I ended up leaving the store shoeless in a fit of frustration. I have been going back and fourth now for a couple of days, but I feel that purchasing a lighter pair of sneakers and putting some insoles in them will do the trick just fine. So as I write this post, I think the final conclusion is none other than a custom pair of Nike running shoes. What more could I ask for? Does Nike provide with a light shoe? Yes! Does Nike supply me enough support? Their shoes have reasonable support and the option for insoles is always there! Does Nike make shoes that I'm going to enjoy looking at on my feet? They have customizable shoes, of course they'll be eye appealing. I'm afraid I may trip on something because I am going to paying so much attention to my shoes.

Stay tuned for a picture of the sneaks that will be oh so inspiring in my journey to the Baystate Half Marathon.

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